Energy Audit
We Investigate and Quantify Energy Savings Potential in:

Lighting Systems

HVAC Systems & Control Systems

Electric Motors & Drives

Boiler Systems

Building Envelope Upgrades

Study Utility Rates & Rate Planes
Explore our Preventative Maintenance Plans
No matter your service or maintenance needs we would be happy to tailor one of our Comprehensive Action Maintenance Programs for you.
How Does an
Energy Audit Work?
Our certified energy auditor comes out to your building and interviews facility managers, inspects lighting, air conditioning, heating and ventilation equipment, controls, air compressors, water consuming equipment, and anything else that is using energy. Our auditor will then develop a list of energy conservation measures that reduce energy usage and associated costs in your building(s).
Depending upon the level of building energy audit, the auditor will then quantify how much savings potential there is for each of these measures, and the costs associated with implementing them. Some measures will provide immediate savings while others may take several years to pay for themselves.